In Castlevania II: Simon Quest, the story revolves around Simon, a boy who is the son of Dracula and his queen. He lives in an isolated castle with his other siblings, but as soon as he starts to learn about the world outside, he learns that this place is not the only place where he can save his own life. There are many things that he can do to make his life better in his new surroundings, and he realizes that there is something important to do in order for him to fulfill this purpose. As he explores the island, Simon starts to learn more about his past and his own personality, and what he needs to do in order to have a better life. The game is very interesting because it involves Simon and his siblings, who are the main characters of the story.
In addition to being an entertaining game, the storyline in Castlevania II: Simon Quest is also very complex and makes the players think about a lot of things while playing the game. This game also has a very good plot, and the characters involved are quite interesting. This game was developed by the same team of people who did the successful Castlevania games, which means that the quality of the game will be high. Since this game is set in modern times, there are lots of things that are not possible in the original version of the game, which means that there will be a lot of new things that will be added to this game.
Overall, this game is very entertaining, and the storyline is very well-developed. This game features a very good storyline and good characters, which will make the game very popular among the fans of the series. It is highly recommended for all Castlevania fans, especially those who have never played the original versions of the game. If you want to play Castlevania II, then this game is highly recommended, because it contains all the qualities that make the original version so popular. It is very exciting and fun to play, and if you want to have a good time, then this game is highly recommended.